There are many different roads leading to Crypto. Continually educating yourself about cryptocurrencies and blockchains will help you to avoid costly errors and give you the confidence needed to achieve crypto sovereignty.
CryptoRevealed Episode 1 is a collection of interviews by industry experts to help you navigate through all things crypto.
I’m excited to announce that Sayer Ji, GreenMedInfo founder and co-founder of Crypto Liberate, will be appearing in an upcoming CryptoRevealed episode. Please sign up for the free CryptoRevealed newsletter to receive notification of Sayer’s amazing interview once released, as well other interviews with guests like Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad Poor Dad. Also, be sure to sign up for the CryptoLiberate newsletter above if you haven’t done so already.
In Sayer’s own words:
“While greed or the fear-of-missing out are often primary drivers behind widespread interest in hot “new” investments, for me, cryptocurrencies are not about making a quick buck… I believe that the underlying structure of the way we relate to money, value, one another, and ultimately the very concepts of sovereignty and freedom, are undergoing a millennial shift with the advent of technologies like Bitcoin.
And this topic has never been more important in a time and age where in some jurisdictions you can’t leave your house or go to work or school without taking a government mandated, mask, test or jab. This is why becoming economically independent, and liberating ourselves from debt slavery, is one of the most effective ways to maintain immunity against coercive government and corporate policies.
Now you know why I’m so excited to introduce you to CryptoRevealed, a free educational event LIVE NOW” -Sayer Ji
For more educational content check out the Crypto Liberate Education Section.